FAQ Ride Buddies
& Discussion rooms
Browse below for your question
Scroll to the bottom to learn about the snowclans app to manage your community interactions easily on mobile
Help: I hate technology and have an advert, what do I do?
Congratulations - you've added a Ride buddy advert, here's what happens next.​
Click the "View Group" link in your Welcome email to open your discussion room.
This will require you to log into the site.

2. Click the "Share something" box to create a new announcement
Type a welcome message that people can reply to, introduce yourself etc.
3. Wait - You will get an email every time someone posts in your discussion room
If you don't trust your email - check back on the site:
Log in
Check your Notifications (Bell shaped icon in the top right menu)
Click to see a list of updates

4. Respond to someone by clicking the "Write a comment" box below their post.
That way they will know your response is aimed at them.
NOTE: You can view your advert at any time on the Ride Buddys page, and edit it via your Dashboard
How do I contact the advertiser
Very simply - post in the discussion room that you are linked to from the advert.
The discussion room icon is located at the bottom of the adverts details page.
Important - Join the discussion room by clicking Join in the top Right
This makes sure you get all updates

Click the "Share something" box to create a new announcement
Type a welcome message that people can reply to, introduce yourself etc.

Respond to someone by clicking the "Write a comment" box below their post.
That way they will know your response is aimed at them.
How will I be notified if someone replies to me?
By default you should get an email as long as you've joined the group

Or check back on the site:
Log in
Check your Notifications (Bell shaped icon in the top right menu)
Click to see a list of updates

Get alerts on mobile by using the app (scroll to the bottom of the page to find out more)
How do I find an adverts discussion room again?
There's lots of ways to go about this
If it's not your advert & you didn't join - Go back to the ride buddies page and find the advert again
If it's your advert - Easiest way is refer back to the email we sent you when it was set up and follow the link
If you are a member of the discussion room either way
Check back on the site:​
Log in
Go to your Dashboard via button on the homepage or in the header
Select the option in the list under "My Ride Buddy adverts"

Check your notifications: ​
Log in
Check your Notifications (Bell shaped icon in the top right menu)
Click to see a list of updates in your group that you can click through to

Alternatively - use the members app (See details at the bottom of the page)
How do I contact a member privately
Click on a members name to open their profile
Click Message
Members chat will open in a pop up
This works just like Facebook messenger - you'll find it in the bottom right of the screen whenever you're logged into the site.
You can also find a member by opening up chat and typing their name into search.
Alternatively you can access messaging in the app from your mobile homepage (read more at bottom of the page)

What about privacy?
Discussion Rooms are only visible to site members
Member access
By default discussion rooms are set to 'Public' which means any member can read the content & join.
If it is a discussion room assigned to your advert, you are admin of this group.
This means you can restrict access & approve those who request entry, hence controlling who sees the content.
Restricting access
As shown in the image below, you can access settings and change privacy by clicking the 3 dots in the top right of your discussion room page.

You can also private message another member, or members using a group chat that is only visible to participants. Please see the "How do I contact another member privately" section on this page.
Please bear in mind that membership is not regulated by us, we do not perform any verification or background checks, anyone can sign up. We take no responsibility for members or their actions.
You must sign up on the website before you can access the app, or neither will function as intended.
Want to easily manage your group & conversations on mobile?
Snowclans App
Keep track of all the discussion rooms you're in - for your advert or someone else's.​
Get notifications straight to your mobile
Chat privately and directly to other members
Hosted by: Spaces by Wix
Use your snowclans website log in
Add Snowclans to your mobile home screen

Once you follow the link to download the app, you will have Snowclans on your sites.
Add the Snowclans App to your Home screen for maximum convenience
1. Press the "..." in the top right of the Snowclans box
2. "Add to device home screen"
You can also manage your notifications here, so you can set up your preferences.
Find your Discussion room ('Group')
The easiest way to get to the groups you've already joined is to go to your profile in the bottom right

Or Click on the site + on the Clans tab & search for your group number
(That's shown in your email)

Customise your group & Interact with people
Add photos
Post new announcements
"Share something..."
Add permanent information in the About section
Select "about"
"Edit Description"

View Profiles + Message people
When you click someones name this is what appears
You can message them privately & See their bio - So make sure yours is up to date!
You can do this by visiting Profile in the bottom right > View profile

Get updates & Notifications
Like any app - you will recieve push notifications on your phone
or you can check by clicking into the app and site
Any activity in your group will be shown as a notification here, click the little bell